INTRODUCTION I have recorded several videos of I playing Kerkerkruip and explaining the basic concepts of the game. They are meant more as an experiment than as a true alternative to the more traditional written instruction materials that also accompany the game. In the age of Youtube, short videos explaining IF could be quite useful, and this is my first attempt to do something of the sort. I stumbled upon a technical problem that I wasn't able to surmount before the IF Competition deadline: all my attempts to convert the Ogg videos (.ogv) to a more common video format (one of the variants of .avi) failed. I tried several programs, and they all just crahsed on me. That doesn't mean the videos are unwatchable, it just means that you have to get the right viewer. RECOMMENDED VIEWER: Firefox. Just get the latest version of the Firefox browser, go to one of the URLs below, and watch the video in your browser. Works perfectly out-of-the-box. OTHER POSSIBILITIES: g-streamer works well (Ubuntu users can use Totem); MPlayer works; VLC mostly works, but doesn't show the correct times. Other players may work as well. The videos follow an entire game of Kerkerkruip, including commentary, and the total duration is approximately one hour. Presumably, watching these videos does not count against the 2-hour limit of the IF Comp, which is specifically stated to be "two hours of play". Watching a video is not playing. But if you feel that such an interpretation goes against the spirit of the rules, I would ask you to play the game within those two hours, and watch the videos later, after you have rated the game. I'm interested in how you like the videos, but I'm much more interested in how you like the game. VIDEO 1: INTRODUCTION We are made to feel welcome and we learn what a roguelike game is. Length: 5m01 Size: 9.3 MB URL: VIDEO 2: EXPLORING THE DUNGEON Victor explains the basic information commands "status", "remember" and "sense" and shows us how to explore the dungeon without running too much risk by using the "retreat" command. We also learn the useful "go to" syntax. Length: 8m16 Size: 23.1 MB URL: VIDEO 3: COMBAT BASICS We learn how to "attack", "dodge", "parry" and "concentrate" as Victor wins a fight against Miranda. Length: 8m48 Size: 24.0 MB URL: VIDEO 4: ADVANCED COMBAT Victor takes on the chain golem and the blood ape, showing us how to use special items, how to wield different weapons and how to use skills. We also learn about the fact that the turn sequence is not entirely predictable. Length: 11m13 Size: 32.4 MB URL: VIDEO 5: FINISHING THE GAME Victor attempts to defeat Malygris as we look on. Will he succeed, or will he be humiliated by his own game? Length: 21m48 Size: 72.4 MB URL: